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London-based entrepreneur William Adoasi wrote on the socia

来源: 网络整理 更新日期: 2018-08-20 23:52

一名黑人女子脱下t恤, Natural Fairness, Former Miss Nigeria Omowunmi Akinnifesi appears in the advert for the moisturising lotion, Some Twitter users said Nivea is responding to consumer demand for skin-lightening products. 一些Twitter用户说, writing on Twitter: An image we recently posted on Facebook missed the mark of representing women of colour thoughtfully. We deeply regret the offence it caused. 多芬在Twitter上为自己的广告道歉:我司最近在Facebook上发布的一张照片没有考虑到其代表有色女性, Dove apologised for its advert。


该广告口号是看得见的白,此广告涉嫌带有种族主义的倾向,多芬也发布了一则备受争议的广告, which has appeared in Nigeria, which showed a black woman taking off her t-shirt to reveal a white woman underneath. 上周,很多人使用#PULLITDOWN标签来删除它, Social media users have called the advert, Nivea’s controversial ad campaign follows the criticism directed at Dove last week for their body wash Facebook advert,解释其最初的目的是促进多样化发展, and in the video version she says that visibly fairer skin makes her feel younger. Her skin appears to lighten as she applies it. 前尼日利亚小姐Omowunmi Akinnifesi参演了这则妮维雅保湿乳液的广告。 本文来自美女人网


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要是实现了才是真的骇人听闻,妮维雅的广告中有一名黑人女性使用该公司的产品,她在视频中说,在多芬的广告中, A Nivea advert that features a black woman using the company’s product with the tagline ‘visibly lightens’ has been branded racist. 近日,摇身一变为白人女子, Nivea’s parent company was not immediately available for comment. 妮维雅的总公司没有立即置评。


users have expressed their anger at the advert with many using the hash tag #PULLITDOWN to demand its removal. Twitter的用户表达了对这个广告的愤怒。


The model in the Dove advert subsequently wrote in The Guardian about her decision to take part in the campaign explaining that its original message was promoting diversity and that the viral snapshots from the advert were taken out of context. 多芬广告中的模特随后在卫报上关于她参演该广告的动机撰文,美人网, On Twitter, Ghana, London-based entrepreneur William Adoasi wrote on the social media platform: This is why black businesses need to rise up and cater for our needs. Nivea can’t get away with pushing this skin lightening agenda across Africa. Appalling. 伦敦企业家William Adoasi在Twitter上写道:这就是为什么黑人企业需要崛起来满足我们的需求, Cameroon and Senegal, , racist and colourist and urged that it be taken down. 社交媒体用户称在尼日利亚、加纳、喀麦隆和塞内加尔播放的这则广告带有严重的种族主义色彩,我们对所造成的冒犯深表歉意,明显变白的皮肤让她觉得自己变年轻了,而那张照片则被剔除,并要求撤下该广告。


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*20 Light Pea

